Catching the nano wave - News - ZDNetI really wish people would place more importance on nanotechnology. It has great potential for medical use, such as anything from seaching and destroying cancer cells to diagnosing a disease without a biopsy. Both of these are my own ideas. I figure each will transmit and recieve to and from a mainframe computer, which will issue all the commands. However, since these are simply theories and I'm a 14 year old kid writing about his view on technology, I simply have to keep studying and wait. I dunno. I'll keep posting about this since this is a high priority issue to me.
I don't know if this could be used for cosmetic surgery. Quite personally, I wouldn't want a bunch of tiny robots performing my surgery, but considering the tiny hair roots, it could be used to fight hair loss. Probably not as cost-efficent as Rogaine, however...
Keep on computing.
I did recently hear a financial analyst/expert of some kind on PBS mention nanotechnology in general as the thing forward-looking people should be thinking of when buying stocks.
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